The National Museum of Cambodia
The National Museum of Cambodia is located on Street 13 in central Phnom Penh, next to the Royal Palace. The visitor’s entrance to the compound and the admissions ticket booth are at the corner of Streets 13 and 178.
- Opening hours are from 8.00am until 5.00pm daily. Last admission tickets are sold at 4.30pm.
- Admission costs are $5 for foreign visitors, 500 riels for Cambodians. Children and school groups are free
- Guided tours can be arranged for individuals or groups at the museum entrance. Tours are available in Khmer, English, French and Japanese. A one hour group tour costs $3
- Photography is not permitted within the museum galleries, but visitors are welcome to film or photograph the museum exterior and courtyard. Those wishing to obtain images of the museum or collection for study or Publications should email the museum to request an application form or contact a staff member.
- Smoking is not permitted inside the museum.
- The Museum store is located at the main entrance. Postcards, souvenirs, replica sculptures and books on a variety of art and culture topics are available.
- Cloakroom facilities are available at the main entrance. Please leave large items and bags here.
- Bathrooms are located downstairs near the main entrance. See the map overleaf for
detail see map overleaf for details. - Donations to the museum are greatly appreciated and contribute to operating costs, programmes to protect Cambodian heritage and museum maintenance. Donation boxes are located near the main entrance, or contact a member of staff.
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